About HiveBeat®

HiveBeat was created by a 25 year old beekeeping couple (Harry & Emma) and a group of engineers (Chris, Peter & Dave) who wanted to find a more effective, proactive approach to sustainable beekeeping... limiting the 6 hour weekend drive to visit 30 beehives around Yorkshire, wasting fuel, time & energy...

Together we tested countless beehive monitoring products on the market (from all over the world) but none of them could fulfill what we deemed to be the main requirements for a remote monitoring beehive technology: ease of use, reliability & cost. So we decided to create HiveBeat! A market leading, cutting edge but cost effective solution that is designed and manufactured in Britain.

HiveBeat was designed by beekeepers for beekeepers, and along the way we've developed a growing HiveBeat community that have all offered ideas, advancements and product feedback that we have taken onboard and implemented. We've created a technologically driven 'hive tool' that all honeybee enthusiasts should use within their apiary - leading to anytime, anywhere colony health monitoring and alerting... and this is just the start!

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Recent Customer Reviews

Get HiveBeat, you won't regret it
Over the years I have tried other monitoring kit and this is leagues ahead. The data that can be obtained let's you monitor what's going on in the hive with temperature, humidity and reduces the amount of inspections and opening of the hive which disturbs the hive cycle.
Paul Bolen, UK
HiveBeat amazing product
The Dashboard is amazing where I get detailed information about my Hives. The graph feature is very informative it lets me view my live and historical data and keeps me informed about the hives health with instant alerts.
Ali, UK
Very simple and easy to use
Very simple and easy to use. The instructions were really easy to follow and had no problem getting them up and running. It's really amazing to be able to see how the temp/ humidity change during different events within the hive.
Harvey Noakes, UK
Very easy to use dashboard
We use data point insights tracked by HiveBeat overtime to better understand how our bees respond throughout the seasons in our ever changing weather conditions in Zimbabwe and the impact on honey production and colony health.
Ethan, Zimbabwe


Common questions about our remote beehive monitoring technology, products, and services. If you don't find what you're looking for, please feel free to contact our support team.

What is HiveBeat?

HiveBeat® is a state-of-the-art remote beehive monitoring system designed to help both hobbyist and commercial beekeepers manage their hives more efficiently. Our technology provides real-time data on hive conditions, including temperature, humidity, and movement, as well as digital Inspection tracking - allowing beekeepers to monitor the health and productivity of their bees from any location around the globe.

How does HiveBeat work?

HiveBeat® uses advanced "Bee-safe" sensors placed inside the hive to collect data on various parameters such as temperature, humidity and movement. This data is transmitted wirelessly to a HiveBeat Controller (Hobby or Professional), which sends data to the HiveBeat dashboard. The dashboard can be accessed through your smartphone or computer and is used to monitor beehive health and set temperature, humidity and movement parameters.

What are the benefits of HiveBeat?

HiveBeat® offers a wide range of benefits, including optimising beehive management and ensuring colony health:

1) Hour by hour colony health and happiness insights straight to your phone, all year round no matter what the weather outside! 
2) A safe and easy to use digital record store for beehive Inspection notes, so the beekeeper can analyse past activates and prepare for future events.
3) Less colony interference, leading to more effective Inspections, increasing honey crop and colony happiness.
4) Vital information on colony strength remotely, allowing the beekeeper to prepare actions to achieve homeostasis.

How easy is HiveBeat to install?

HiveBeat® installation is simple and effective (no screws!). The HiveBeat Sensor is placed within the brood chamber of each of your beehives. The HiveBeat Hobby Controller is then connected to a mains power supply and is connected to a Wi-Fi network. The Professional Controller uses solar-power technology and can be placed in remote locations and uses a cellular network connection.

How to contact support?

If you need further assistance or have any other questions, please reach out to our customer support team support@hivebeat.co.uk. We're Beekeepers and we're here to help!

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